An Introduction to PageInspector

Creating web pages is a very easy task. However it is extremely easy to make errors.
Errors in HTML files not only make your page very hard to read (often HTML tags are displayed along with the main text of the page), but they can also cause formatting errors, such as tables not being drawn, or text being aligned incorrectly.

For example, what is wrong with the following HTML code?
<TITLE> My Home Page </TITLE>
The content of this page goes here!

The error may not look like much (once you actually find it), but failing to close the '>' of the <BODY> tag causes the entire page's content to not be shown in the above example.
Another common error is made with links. What many people fail to realise is that on UNIX servers (which is what most www servers are) pathnames are case sensitive. Therefore, <a href="Link.html"> is not the same as <a href="link.html">. And because this link works perfectly on the Macintosh platform, many people do not realise they are doing anything wrong.

PageInspector checks tags, attributes, attribute data (including local links) of HTML files for common, and many not-so-common errors to ensure the page is perfect!

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